popcorn time Download The Social Dilemma 2020 Movie For Free

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Directed by - Jeff Orlowski
Reviews - The Social Dilemma is a movie starring Tristan Harris, Jeff Seibert, and Bailey Richardson. Explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations
Writer - Vickie Curtis
1 Hours, 34 Minutes






This documentary has some good and illuminating stuff in it - definitely things I didn't know about in terms of the mechanisms of social media AI and how it attempts to manipulate human psychology. However, you could say that, rather than being a new and uniquely evil force in the world, that social media is similar to other, long established things that people can get hooked on and be driven by in some way. Booze, tobacco, hamburgers, hard drugs, sex, sweets, movies, music, etc. are all manipulating things. Social media is like mental junk food.
Personally, I'd say it is always for the individual to take responsibility for what they do. The best that can be done is to ensure there is information available about the potential negative effects. I've never been on Instagram, snapchat, or twitter, and use fb sparingly, sometimes delete for several years. It is a balance thing.
The participants in the movie are making out that social media is causing social division - but there's always been division and civil war. FB didn't cause the American civil war, the french or Russian revolutions, the Maoist takeover in China, Nazi Germany, etc. Fact is, the internet is incredible if used in a considered way. Before internet it was just tv and newspapers setting the agenda - still driven by advertising and other distorting factors.
The overall gist of the film seems to be about having more government regulation and so on, but as ever, that's going to be broadbrush, and fine only if one agrees with the selected controls. There were also some other, I'd say, left wing political points thrown in alongside the interesting psychological observations, such that there was a degree of manipulation going on of the sort they were accusing social media of. I suspect Netflix gets up to the same sorts of tricks in different ways and this might be one of them. The dramatised parts were also somewhat hammy.
Perosnally, I'd prefer to leave social media largely as it is, but maybe have more of a health warning about the potential psycholigical effects, but otherwise leave it to the individual. Responsible parents probably shouldn't let their kids have smart phones and so on, based on what we now know.
The film is worth watching but should come with its own health warning.




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